Save your money and treat yourself

So, you’ve finally decided to replace that tired, money draining boiler of yours. No longer will you be spending over the odds to heat your home. That can only mean one thing; spare cash!

With a new boiler from BASI you could be seeing up to a 35% saving on your energy bills. But, what does that mean to you?

The average heating bill for a household in the UK falls between £75 and £100 a month. Now, replace your old boiler with a new, energy efficient appliance from BASI and that number could be reduced by up to £40. Meaning you could shrink your monthly heating bill to just £50 – or even less!

Not bad, eh?

Let’s think about it. If we put a figure on it, say a £30 a month saving – which amounts to £360 a year. Wow! It adds up doesn’t it?

So what could you be spending that £360 on? A holiday perhaps? Why not treat yourself to an iPad, or maybe even a whole new wardrobe?

Whatever it is, it’s got to be better than spending all your dough to just keep your house warm each month, or worse – repairing a faulty boiler.

At BASI we understand that you don’t want to be paying more than you need to, so why should you? Talk to us now and we’ll explain how a new boiler could leave you with a whole lot of spare cash to treat yourself with!

If you want to discuss replacing your old boiler give us a call on 0800 980 6018 or simply email us at [email protected] and we’ll call you at a time that’s convenient.

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