Top heating tips to save energy this winter

At BASI we are dedicated to helping our customers save money and improve their energy efficiency. As winter closes in, the days get colder and the evenings even more, so it’s very easy to see your energy bills skyrocket.

With this in mind, we’ve come up with a short list of effective tips to help you reduce your energy usage and save you money this winter.

  • Turning down the thermostat by just one degree can shave 10% off your heating bill. This is a £60 a year saving for the typical household.
  • Replace your old boiler with a new energy efficient boiler. Not only will this help you heat your home more efficiently but it will save you 35% on your annual energy bills.
  • Use the heat from the oven after cooking a meal to warm up your kitchen. Simply leave the oven door open and let the heat circulate.
  • Make sure your water immersion tank is insulated. This is an effective way to keep your water hot for longer and avoid you having to heat up more water.
  • Use less hot water by taking a short shower instead of a bath. Sounds simple, but this will make your hot water go further.
  • Put radiator panels behind your radiators that are fixed to external walls. This will reflect the heat back into the room rather than being lost.
  • Close your curtains in the evening. Heavy curtains will help keep the heat in the room.
  • Keep those radiators clear. Putting a sofa or armchair in front of your radiators will only absorb the heat.

For more energy saving tips like these follow us on Twitter @basiheating.

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